Category Archives: Pest Control

When Is Wasp Season In The UK?

In the United Kingdom, wasp season typically begins in the summer months and lasts until early autumn. The precise timing can vary depending on factors such as weather conditions and regional variations. Wasps become more active during the warmer months when their nests are established, and they are searching for food sources.

Generally, wasp activity starts to increase around May or June as the weather becomes warmer- this is when the queens emerge from hibernation and begin to build their nests.

Throughout the summer months, wasp colonies grow in size, and their presence becomes more noticeable.

The peak of wasp season in the UK typically occurs in late summer, around August and September.

During this time, wasps are more aggressive as they search for food to sustain their colonies, and they are attracted to sugary foods and beverages, which often leads to encounters with humans during outdoor activities and picnics.

It’s important to note that the timing and intensity of wasp season can vary from year to year and in different regions of the UK – environmental factors, such as temperature and availability of food sources, can influence the activity levels of wasps.

If you’re concerned about wasp activity or have a wasp nest on your property, it’s recommended to contact a professional pest control service for safe removal or advice on managing the situation.

Attempting to handle a wasp nest without proper knowledge and equipment can be dangerous.

Need Help With A Wasp Problem?

Advantage Pest Control provide a complete range of pest control services to both domestic and commercial customers in Birmingham and across the West Midlands; highly experienced in handling wasp infestations.

All of our pest control technicians are highly experienced and qualified in their respective fields and we are members of the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) and as such have to meet the highest standards both in our customer service and in the pest control processes we undertake.

Effective ways to avoid mosquito bites

As summer approaches, many of us eagerly plan our long-awaited holidays and trips, but we often overlook a tiny yet formidable foe: mosquitoes.

These pesky pests can quickly turn our dream trips into itchy nightmares, however, with a few simple precautions, you can reduce the risk of mosquito bites and enjoy your summer adventures to the fullest.

We’re sharing our top tips for avoiding mosquito bites…

Dress Appropriately

Opting for loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirts, and longer trousers to provide a physical barrier between your skin and the mosquitoes will reduce your chance of being bitten.

Not only that, lighter coloured clothing can also help as mosquitoes are often attracted to dark colours and consider treating your clothing with an insect repellent for added protection.

Apply Insect Repellent

Using an effective insect repellent on exposed skin is crucial to fend off mosquitoes.

Look for repellents lemon or eucalyptus oil, as these ingredients have been proven to be highly effective and it is important to apply the repellent according to the instructions on the label and reapply as necessary, especially after swimming or sweating.

Avoid Peak Mosquito Activity

Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk.

If possible, plan your outdoor activities accordingly, which will help you to avoid these times when mosquitoes are particularly aggressive.

Consider scheduling your activities for the mid-morning or late afternoon when mosquito activity is generally lower.

Stay in Accommodation with Screens or Air Conditioning

When choosing your accommodation, look for options that have well-sealed windows, screens, or air conditioning.

Doing so will provide your family and friends with an additional barrier against mosquitoes, making it harder for them to enter your living space.

If your room does not have these features, consider purchasing a bed net treated with insecticide to create a mosquito-free zone while you sleep.

Eliminate Breeding Sites

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so it’s essential to eliminate any potential breeding sites around your accommodation.

Empty and clean any containers that can collect water, such as flowerpots, buckets, or birdbaths and ensure that gutters are clean and properly drained to avoid leaving standing water in any outdoor areas.

6. Use Fans and Mosquito Nets:

Mosquitoes are weak fliers, so using fans can help create a breeze that makes it difficult for them to approach you. Place a fan near your sitting or sleeping area to create a protective airflow. Additionally, if you’re traveling to areas with high mosquito activity, consider using a mosquito net around your bed or sleeping area to provide an extra layer of protection.

Be Mindful of Fragrances

Certain scents and fragrances can attract mosquitoes, so it’s advisable to avoid using heavily scented products like perfumes, moisturisers and tanning oils.

Opting for unscented or lightly scented products instead will reduce your attractiveness to these pesky pests.

While mosquitoes may seem like an inevitable annoyance, taking these preventive measures can significantly reduce your risk of mosquito bites while travelling this summer.

Avoiding pests in the warmer weather

As the weather gets warmer in the UK, it is not just us who come out to enjoy the sunshine.

Pests such as ants, flies, and wasps can become a nuisance, making it difficult to enjoy outdoor activities or even relax indoors.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to avoid these pests and keep them from ruining your summer.

Keep your home clean and tidy

One of the best ways to avoid pests is to keep your home clean and tidy. Pests such as ants and flies are attracted to food and crumbs left on surfaces, so it is important to clean up spills and crumbs immediately. Regularly vacuuming and mopping floors and wiping down surfaces can help prevent the build-up of food particles that attract pests.

Seal entry points

Pests can find their way into your home through small cracks and gaps in windows, doors, and walls. Sealing these entry points can help prevent pests from getting inside. Check for gaps in windows and doors and use weather-stripping to seal them. Use caulk or foam to seal any cracks or gaps in walls.

Store food properly

Storing food properly can also help prevent pests from being attracted to your home. Keep all food in sealed containers, especially sugary foods that tend to attract ants and flies. Make sure to clean up any spills or crumbs immediately and do not leave pet food out overnight.

Keep your garden tidy

Pests can also be a problem in your garden.

Keeping your garden tidy can help prevent pests from breeding and finding their way into your home. Trim bushes and trees away from your home, as these can provide a pathway for pests to enter. Regularly mow the lawn and remove any dead plants or debris that can attract pests.

Use insect repellents

Insect repellents can also help prevent pests from bothering you while you are outside. Mosquitoes, for example, can be a real problem in the summer, but using an insect repellent can keep them at bay. Be sure to read the label and follow the instructions carefully.

Call in professionals

If you have a pest problem that you cannot handle on your own, it may be time to call in the professionals.

Pest control companies, like Advantage Pest Control, can help identify the source of the problem and develop a plan to get rid of the pests. They can also offer advice on how to prevent future infestations.

In conclusion, the warmer weather in the UK can bring with it a variety of pests, but there are steps you can take to avoid them and by following these tips, you can enjoy the outdoors and relax in your home without the worry of pests.

Dangers of a flea infestation

Many people believe that fleas are only a danger to their pets as they do not live on human skin, however, this is not the case and if left to infest your household could be a danger to your health too.

Indeed, fleas are most commonly found on pets and are more likely to cause an infestation if you have animals in your home but they can also be found in homes where pets don’t reside, travelling in via clothing, luggage and much more.

We are sharing some of the dangers of a flea infestation that you may not be familiar with to highlight the importance of getting it eradicated as soon as possible.

Fleas carry diseases

It is no secret that fleas carry disease and ignoring an infestation can increase your chances of contracting them which could be extremely detrimental to your health.

Fleas are known to carry spotted fever, typhus and cat scratch fever just to name three of the most common but have been known to carry a number of disease that can cause both you and your pets damage.

Bite reactions

Although fleas have no interest in living on the human body, they won’t pass up on the opportunity to sink their teeth into you and their bite can cause a range of reactions.

From swelling of the skin to full blown allergic reactions that can cause a hives outbreak all over your body, fleas can create many surface level issues and irritate your skin massively.

What to do if you have a flea infestation?

Flea infestations can be really difficult to get rid of but for the safety of your family and most importantly, your pet’s health, it is incredibly important to eliminate fleas at your first realisation.

There are millions of methods and products you can buy to get rid of fleas but a large-scale infestation in your home can become challenging to manage.

Getting touch with a pest control company like Advantage who can give you expert advice and assess your needs depending on the level of infestation you are experiencing.

Advantage can provide a fast and effective soul to protect your home and pets from an infestation going out of control.


How to feed birds without attracting rats

In the winter and spring months many people feel obliged to put out bird feeders in their gardens to help birds with the struggle for food in the colder seasons.

However, this positive and considerate gesture can create a big problem for your home and garden by attracting rats who are – like birds – on the hunt for regular sources of food in the colder months.

Do bird feeders attract rats?

It is no secret that rats are scavengers and will eat almost anything they can get their claws on which makes a regularly topped up bird feeder an ideal source of food for rodents.

The worst part of their attraction to bird feeders is that commonly rats carry diseases such as salmonella that can be transferred to birds who feed in your garden and in the worst case scenario can transfer to the people in your household which could make your family very unwell.

Indeed, there is no guarantee that rodents will 100% be found in your garden if you have a bird feeder as it completely depends on your surroundings, however, it certainly increases the risk of rats making your garden their home if they are in desperate need of food resources.

How can you stop rats from using your bird feeder?

Now that it is clear that rats are attracted to bird feeders, it is time to consider the different ways to stop rats from coming into your garden and taking advantage of your good nature.

Installing bird feeders that are rat proof is a great way to deter the pests away from your garden, because if they can’t get the seed they will quickly give up and look elsewhere for their lunch.

The quality of your bird feeder will play an important role in avoiding rat infestations and purchasing a slightly more expensive feeder that only birds can access could save you much more money in repairs to damages that rats can cause in your garden and home.

You can also remove water sources surrounding the bird feeder and in your garden which will also have a positive effect on discouraging rats to gather around your home.

Rats may be initially attracted to your garden by water sources as they can’t survive too long without it, but will stay for the free food dangling in front of them.

Believe it or not, birds can be picky eaters and will often flick away seeds to get to their favourite pieces hanging in your feeder with the scraps being left on the ground.

As a result, keeping a close eye on the area surrounding the bird feeder and making sure you are clearly up any less desirable seeds that have ended up on the grass or patio is essential to ensure rats don’t find food just laying out in your garden waiting for them.

If you think you may have a rat infestation or need further support to deter rats from entering your garden, Advantage Pest Control have years of experience in dealing with and preventing rodent problems in domestic settings.

Signs of mice and rat infestations

Of all the pest problems that businesses and households may experience, mouse and rat infestations are some of the most common.

Food and shelter are the main priority for these particular pests and that is exactly why they are commonly found in homes and businesses.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to distinguish whether you have an issue with mice and rats at your property until an infestation is occurring.

It’s very important to realise that rats and mice are extremely intelligent which makes them great hiders, however, if you are clued up on what you’re looking for, you stand a better chance of quickly identifying their presence and dealing with it accordingly.

Signs of a Mouse Infestation

For those who live in rural areas, the chances are higher that you are experiencing an issue with mice.

Mice are very subtle creatures that will fit through just about any space they can find to set up a home or source food, however, in many cases, they will leave behind evidence of their presence with many tell-tale signs revealing their identity.

  • Chew marks on wiring around your home and business, as well as food packaging and containers.
  • Small droppings are one of the best ways to identify a mouse problem, the more fresh and moist they are the more likely you have an active mouse infestation.
  • Another clear indicator that can be picked up in a household when everyone is sleeping is the very quiet sound of scuffling.
  • A change in your pet’s behaviour around the home, unusual anxiousness and cautiousness from your dogs or cats is another way of identifying a problem with mice.
  • Discovering a nest is probably the most obvious sign of an invasion of your home or business by mice, this will often be made up of cardboard or other soft materials available to them.

Where do they hide?

One of the biggest reasons it can be difficult to identify a mouse infestation very quickly is due to their sneaky nature, meaning they remain in the darkest and most out-of-reach places they can find around your property.

Due to their ability to fit through almost any hole, mice can find their way into pipes, walls, attics, garages and vents without any trouble. If you’re not sure whether you are experiencing or have experienced an infestation one of the best ways to find them is by thinking like a mouse by pinpointing areas of your home or business where they could gain entry.

Will mouse traps eliminate the issue?

If you’re concerned about infestations and key indicators that you have a mouse problem that have presented themselves, you may be wondering whether mouse traps could be the answer.

Mouse traps will likely kill or at least seriously injure mice, however, if you would like to get rid of your rodent issues more humanely there have been several developments in the traps you can buy to remove the mice safely from your home and business, without killing them.

There are traps with doors that you can set up with bait inside that have a door that shut on the rodent so that you can trap them without them escaping and without killing them, allowing you to safely remove them from your home and business without any harm caused to the animal.

Signs of a Rat Infestation

Rats are more commonly found in built-up areas, like cities, town centres or big housing estates where there is high-traffic footfall.

The first thing you will need to know is how to distinguish the difference between a mouse and rat infestation, as although they are similar in many ways, they also differ in so many others.

One of the most obvious differences is that rats are usually much larger than mice, which can be found in the evidence they leave behind when infesting your home or business.

  • Indeed, just like mice one of the key indicators of a rat infestation is chewed-up wires, food containers and packaging etc. however, these are likely to be much bigger and much more destructive.
  • Again droppings are a key indicator just like a mouse infestation, but again will be much larger.
  • Rats are also much noisier than mice when making their way around your home and business, listen out for scurrying, squeals and scratching noises.

Mouse and rat infestations can be dangerous

The realisation can be quite unsettling if you are noticing the indicators that you are experiencing a mouse or rat infestation.

Both pests can cause serious health problems by contaminating food and spreading airborne viruses, which can be extremely dangerous for those occupying your home or business, so getting to the bottom of it fast is the only solution whether you decide to manage that yourself or call in a professional pest control service to help you.

Either way, if you do experience the signs of a mouse or rat infestation the most important thing to do is address it extremely fast and if you do decide to take on the challenge yourself, make sure you know what you are doing.

When to Contact a Rodent Control Professional

There are many ways that you can handle mouse or rat infestations on your own and pest control has become a business that features many products and services that allow you to deal with these problems on your own.

However, this is dependent on your execution and the number of rodents you currently have in your home so if you are taking measures to eliminate a suspected mouse or rat problem but are still finding evidence of their presence around your home and business, you may have a larger problem than first anticipated.

With that being said, at that point, you will find it much more beneficial to bring in a pest control team who can handle larger infestations with expert equipment and knowledge, just like Advantage Pest Control.

Why are there so many spiders in autumn?

During the autumn, there appears to be a greater number of spiders in our houses, and these insects appear to be larger.

This happens because they are currently in the midst of their breeding season, which starts in the early phase of September and lasts until about the middle of October, when male arachnids will emerge from their hideouts during the breeding season to search for a female.

Which types of spiders are most prevalent?

The majority of the spiders that we encounter crawling about inside our houses throughout the autumn are trapdoor spiders.

There is a good chance that there are forty spiders hiding in the crevices and cracks of the typical house, and it’s possible that there are many in older homes.

Garden spiders are responsible for the huge webs that mysteriously emerge overnight in entrances and on bushes, when the sun reflects off the dew, they have a mystical appearance, but walking through one makes your feet feel sticky.

The United Kingdom is home to 650 different species of spiders, the vast majority of which are not harmful; nonetheless, this does not make these creatures any more endearing.

As they scamper across the floor, their threatening appearance is enhanced by the fact that each of their eight legs is composed of seven subparts.

The vast of the remaining species are endemic to particular environments, including such dunes, grasslands, or heathlands, and thus are known as a specialist.

Do spiders bite you?

Spiders are the subject of a number of urban legends, but to put your thoughts at ease, they do not slither into our mouths on purpose while we are sleeping, they do not produce eggs inside our bodies.

The majority of the arachnids that we encounter in the UK are unable to nibble us even if they tried because their jaws do not open widely enough or their claws are not strong enough to puncture our surface.

Nevertheless, the “noble fake widow” spider is one of the few kinds of spiders that are known to bite people. They were described for the first time in the UK in the 1870s, and since then, they tend to be among the most prevalent urban crawlers in the UK, these spiders originated in the Mediterranean.

They prefer to dwell indoors, where they may remain concealed for the majority of the year, where they can grow to up to 0.5 inches and a half inch wide.

They will only attack in response to a perceived threat, and even then, the bites are rarely dangerous because the snakes’ venom is not highly toxic.

The good stuff about spiders

  • Spiders are beneficial to homeowners because they devour any bug that flies or crawls, such as clothes moths, flies, ants, mosquitoes, aphids, and beetles. This helps keep your house free of unwanted pests.
  • Spiders are beneficial to agriculture because they consume mature insects as well as the bugs’ larvae and eggs. Some of the insects that spiders feed on include aphids, flies, caterpillars, leafhoppers, as well as other insects.

Four expert tips to avoid pest control problems this summer

There are not many downsides to the summer season but one of the biggest is the resurgence of pests when the weather heats up in the UK.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can plan ahead to minimise pest control problems that could occur over the summer months so that you can enjoy the warm weather in peace.


In the UK adverse weather conditions and rain in particular are common occurrences in the summer months and standing water is one of the most common ways to attract pests in and around your home.

Flower pots, swimming pools and buckets full of standing water are a haven for insects, so making sure you can minimise the amount of standing water you have surrounding your home this summer will definitely reduce the likelihood of a pest control problem and nasty insect bites when you’re out in the garden.


All year round garden maintenance should be a priority, but in the summer especially it is something that should be regularly kept on top of as the rise in pests in the summer months in particular will more than likely cause you problems if you neglect your garden.

Do your best to remove garden waste, keep up with mowing your grass, eliminate weeds and trim the hedges.


Sealing or resealing your doors and windows will be one of the best ways to keep pests out of your home this summer.

Check for gaps in your doors and windows as well as using screens over the windows you have open, can make a huge difference if you can repair and protect your home.


A very common problem in the UK household in the summer is ants, and if you don’t keep your kitchen clean you will more often than not attract a tribe of ants into your home to feast on your leftovers.

Wiping counters, emptying bins and sweeping the floors regularly should be a top priority in the summer months, as rats are also in search of food supplies in the summer months too and could become a much larger problem.

Protecting your home from honey bees

Spring is coming and with the weather warming up you may have started to notice honey bees swarming around the blossoming flowers, but as we open up our windows to let in the Spring air and natural warmth from the sunshine, your home can certainly attract honey bees inside.

Some honey bees are more social than others and become much more active after winter. As the temperature drops below 10°C the worker bees retreat and build up a ‘winter cluster’ to stay warm in the winter months, with the queen kept safe and sound in the warmest section of the cluster. Whilst honey bees are certainly a lot less active they are not completely out of action, and will be doing all they can to keep warm. When Spring comes around and they finally emerge from the cluster they seek out to feed on the nectar of the spring flowers to build up their energy before they begin to build their new nest.

Prevention is key

With the weather only just warming up as of late there is still plenty of time to put in preventative measures in your home to ensure that you don’t find yourself caught in a much bigger problem in your home and need professional intervention

Here are some of the key ways to prevent honey bees from entering your home:

  • Reducing outdoor clutter that could attract honey bees to swarm and look for space to build a nest.
  • Sealing your home, especially your roof areas which is one of the most common places for honey bees to enter your home to build hives and thrive in a warm and largely unused area of your home.
  • Making sure any old honeycomb or hives around your home or garden are cleared before the weather warms up as the pheromones left on the nests and honeycomb could attract honey bees back.
  • Don’t plant large attractive flowers too close to your home, keeping any flowers or vegetables several yards from your home will stop honey bees from swarming too close and finding comfort in and around your home.

If you do notice anything suspicious, swarms of honey bees or a nest close to or inside your home it is extremely important that you contact professionals to deal with your infestation and don’t take matters into your own hands.

Top tips for keeping pigeons away

Birds are not often associated with pest control problems, but it is no secret that they can and have caused problems for many households and businesses, with pigeons being the most common type of bird to become a nuisance and pest control companies have seen ever growing demand for getting rid of them. 

With the urbanisation of many wildlife areas, it is no surprise that birds have become an increasing problem in areas that have become built up or even rural, and have become accustomed to living around humans and adapting to their surroundings that have gone from natural habitats for them to areas being built on and inhabited by humans. 

Birds have, as a result, begun invading homes and businesses to build their nests or search for food during the months when there is less availability for them to feed in the wild, we are sharing some of our top tips for keeping pigeons away from either your home or business.


Repellent is a short term solution and won’t keep birds away forever with just one application, gel repellent is the most commonly used and only lasts a few weeks before you will need to reapply again, so is quite a high maintenance way to deal with your pigeon problem.

The gel repellent makes surfaces you apply it to, too slippery for pigeons to stand leaving them with no choice but to move on from your home or business, you can also use gel repellents that are hot to touch and again would deter birds from standing on or nesting on the area where it is applied.


Balconies, railings and protruding roofing are some of the most attractive areas pigeons will look for to nest, using wire to create a barrier around these areas is a great way to stop birds from nesting and make it uncomfortable for them to land on, keeping them away from your home or business.


Spikes are a permanent solution but are not the most aesthetically pleasing structure to have on your domestic or commercial premises, so you will need to be mindful when adding spikes, but will surely stop birds landing and nesting, as like the wire barrier, they will make it extremely uncomfortable for birds to land on. 

Do not feed

The worst thing you can do for pigeons is feed them or give them an opportunity to eat near your home, making sure you don’t directly give them food and making sure your bins are sealed surrounding your home is essential for keeping pigeons away and uninterested in nesting on your property.


If you are able to make changes to the building structure of your home or business, using sloping when it comes to your roofing and keeping the edges of the building sloped will make it extremely difficult and risky for birds to build nests, and they will avoid nesting on those slopes, in turn, reducing the chances of a bird problem.

If you’re not 100% sure what would be best for your home, or if you already are experiencing a pest problem with pigeons, Advantage pest control can help and offer friendly, professional and expert advice to best suit the needs of your home or business when it comes to dealing with birds.